Organization and Processing

  1. Each proposal, dealing with executing projects of HEPTAPOLIS and construction in the prefecture of Viotia, will be subject, in principle, to the Special Commission of the Company HEPTAPOLIS-DEVELOPMENT – COMMERCIAL – HOLDING SA, which will approve, or not, the viability of the proposal’s relationship with the Company’s specifications. The viable proposals will be studied by the responsible officers of the Company, who shall, if necessary, proceed to corrections of proposals in collaboration with the designers who submitted the proposals. Then the proposals will be transferred to the Executive Committee.
  2. The Organizing Committee will have vertical cooperation with the Special Working Groups – Architects, engineers, engineers, planners, geologists, accountants, bankers, etc. – who will distribute the proposals to the audit mechanisms services and will work together with special Groups in the formulation and correctness of proposals. The Committee members and members of the Expert Working Groups sometimes collaborate with executives of the company HEPTAPOLIS DEVELOPMENT -COMMERCIAL – HOLDING SA, which will form the final results of the proposals for each project and will submit them to the President and members of the Board of the OLYMPUS ASSOCIATION- UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL CENTER.
  3. It is essential to emphasize that, with the start of the Organizing Committee’s work on the control of projects; members will receive a permanent employment level and the salary to be agreed with the recommendation of the Board of the Olympus Association.
  4. The cash outflow of payments will always be made from the “KAROLINA & PAUL PISSANOS SPIRITUAL AND CULTURAL FOUNDATION”, based in Panama. The purpose of this publication is the integrity and transparency of the manner in which the sponsor’s money distribution and the method of control of the disposition, if necessary, of a Grant to perform a specified task concerning the HEPTAPOLIS. The guarantee of safety of the donor’s deposit will be the bank.