Since 1980 Paul Pissanos and his wife Karolina, hand-in-hand, strived to establish the OLYMPOS ASSOCIATION: UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL CENTER, and achieve the creation of HEPTAPOLIS, which will be the largest and most important center of Arts and Sciences worldwide.

On November 3rd 2014, Karolina, after a long struggle with the rare disease, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), departed for the life hereafter.

Paul Pissanos was not left alone, though. The large group of the faithful of the Olympus Association stood with unwavering faith remained beside him, helping him stand “upright”, and together they continued the struggle for the realization of the vision of HEPTAPOLIS.

Today, a large number of “Combatants of the Spirit” are struggling to resolve the problems relating to the completion of this gigantic project.

Academics, Professors, Scientists of all disciplines, Businessmen, Bankers, Economists, people of Literature and the Arts, working in all fields of action, are making a reality of a project that many called simply an “incredible vision.”

KAROLINA & PAUL PISSANOS” Foundation, in which OLYMPOS ASSOCIATION: UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL CENTER participates, would welcome any kind of donations and benefactions, contributed by Private Individuals and Institutions from around the world, who wish to help according to his/ its financial abilities in the realization of the project.

The Foundation is controlled by a special legal and accounting mechanism that ensures the integral allocation of the grants to “HEPTAPOLIS-SA Development-Commercial HOLDING – SA” and its 24 subsidiaries, which have been set up in order to plan and construct HEPTAPOLIS and the infrastructure projects throughout the area of the prefecture of Viotia (airport, heliport, ports, hotels, tourism and laboratory facilities, powers units, waste water recycling units e.t.c.).

The entire system of Control, Allocation, Distribution and sound Management of the donations, will be under the watchful protection of the Governing Board, the Executive and Scientific Committees, and the Finance Committees of OLYMPOS ASSOCIATION.

It is important to emphasize that all the necessary protocols for the sponsorships for the construction of HEPTAPOLIS have been foreseen and will be duly respected and valued as a “a tribute of the present generation to the future generations.

Whenever you decide to become a donor, you can deposit the amount you wish in the bank Account. Then state by E-mail at the sector of HEPTAPOLISto which you wish your donation to be allocated.

Your donation will be acknowledged without fail, accompanied by the Foundation Letter of Thanks. Please, note that the OLYMPOS UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL CENTER is a major shareholder of the “KAROLINA & PAUL PISSANOS FOUNDATION”.