100 Great Business Ideas – Part 1

This is a course about some of the best ideas used in business. Some are simple—sometimes almost embarrassingly so—while others are based on detailed research and brilliant intellect…


Initial course cost: 700 €.

The following discount is applicable on the Initial Fees above:

A special 20% discount on the initial Fees.

Payment amount after the discount: 560 €

One-time payment – Early Entry (10%): 504 €

After the final Fees payment, students are provided with additional two months of free tuition for their complete assimilation of the Course. The cost of obtaining the Certificate of Attendance from ACTA Technovlastos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is 99 euros.

Part 1 – Fees

Duration: 1 Month

Course cost: 112 €


  • Building customer trust and loyalty
  • Scenario planning
  • Making your employees proud
  • Using customer information
  • The rule of 150
  • Information orientation
  • Franchising
  • Eliminating waste (muda)
  • Customer bonding
  • Psychographic profiling
  • Understanding demography
  • Mass customization
  • Leading “top-down” innovation
  • Social networking and transmitting company values
  • Achieving breakthrough growth
  • Deep-dive prototyping
  • Market testing
  • Empowering your customers
  • Cannibalizing
  • Increasing competitiveness

This is a course about some of the best ideas used in business. Some are simple—sometimes almost embarrassingly so—while others are based on detailed research and brilliant intellect. Most are perennial, as their logic, simplicity, or value will help them endure; while others are, to be honest, rather faddy. What unites these business ideas is their proven power and potency. They are not only insightful and useful, they have worked: often in a brilliant way or despite great adversity. The ability of the people who conceived and applied these ideas should be applauded.

One word of warning: while these ideas have worked for the companies mentioned at the time they applied them, it is not to say that these businesses will always get everything else right, forever more. They produced a result at the time, but if this course has any general lessons it is that new ideas and energy are needed constantly—in many ways and at varying times—to ensure success.

While these ideas are varied and, I hope, interesting and thought-provoking, it seems to me that there are several different themes that run through many of these ideas and the businesses that use them. These include a willingness to experiment and take a risk. This seems to happen because many of the businesses display energy and entrepreneurship—a restless desire to do well and stay ahead of the competition. This is often coupled with an ability to understand the root causes of an issue, opportunity, or challenge, and do something distinctive, rather than merely tinkering with the status quo. Simplicity and an understanding of the need to be practical and implement the idea are also common features. Some ideas, however, do result from extensive study and research. This seems to confirm Peter Drucker’s point that great ideas and decisions are a blend of rigorous analysis and intuition. Clearly, sometimes one aspect is more important (depending on the idea), but both are significant. Finally, the need to be practical, follow through, and ensure success is shown by the recurring need to monitor, measure, and refine the way the idea works.

A word of guidance: if you are thinking of applying these ideas in your organization it may help to understand a little of the way that ideas are transmitted. Ideas tend to be passed on either by “blueprint copying,” which takes the whole idea and all its details and then replicates it elsewhere, or by “idea stimulation,” where the details are unknown or adapted but the gist of the idea is applied. For example, in his excellent award-winning book Guns, Germs, and Steel: A History of Everybody for the Last 13.000 13.000 YearsJared Diamond cites the development of an alphabet as an idea that arose independently probably only once and was then copied elsewhere. Of course, these techniques are opposite ends of a spectrum, but, of the two methods, idea stimulation is surely more adaptable, robust, and likely to succeed. So, use these ideas to stimulate your thinking and make the specific adjustments needed to ensure success in your situation.

I hope that these ideas will provide you with the inspiration to find out more or develop your thinking along new, creative lines, generating brilliant ideas for the future.


Jeremy Kourdi is a writer, executive coach and consultant.

He has written 27 books translated into 16 languages and much of his writing is co-authored with leading experts and good friends.

He also enjoys working as a publisher and ghost-writer, helping people share their wisdom and insights with a wider audience.

He was formerly Senior Vice-President with The Economist Group and during his career he has been fortunate to have worked closely with market-leading organisations worldwide, as well as business schools, publishers and talented executives.

He has a Masters Degree in International Relations and he enjoys writing and speaking about business, leadership, politics and economics.

Topics typically include, for example, 21st century leadership skills, future thinking, current challenges in international relations, succeeding with business strategy, the rules of innovation, the truths about talent, and essential coaching skills.


Some of the author’s books include:

  1. Coaching Questions for Every Situation: A Leader’s Guide to Asking Powerful Questions for Breakthrough Results.
  2. Business Strategy: A Guide to Effective Decision-Making.
  3. 100 Business Tools For Success: All the management models that matter in 500 words or less.
  4. The Economist: Business Strategy 3rd edition : A guide to effective decision-making.
  5. Succeed at Psychometric Testing: Practice Tests for Verbal Reasoning Advanced 2nd Edition.
  6. IMD 75 years: Challenging what is, inspiring what could be.
  7. Mentor Guide: Institute of Management and Open Learning Programme.
  8. Improve Your Verbal Reasoning: Flash.
  9. The Big 100: The 100 Business Tools You Need To Succeed.
  10. The Economist: Business Strategy: A Guide to Effective Decision-making.
  11. Effective Decision Making.
  12. One Minute MBA.
  13. Successful Delegation in a Week.
  14. Think on Your Feet: 10 Steps to Better Decision-making and Problem-solving at Work.
  15. One Stop Strategy.
  16. One Stop Leadership.
  17. Surviving a Downturn: Building a Successful Business without Breaking the Bank.


How to acquire

The student who has completed the Course he has chosen is entitled to obtaining:

Α) A Certificate of Attendance by ACTA – Technovlastos of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on request, at a cost of 99 euros.

(NOTE: The Certificate is sent by email.)


A KOTINOS with a Certificate of Attendance of the Course issued by HEPTAPOLIS – AVATAR e-Learning of HEPTAPOLIS TRILOGY N.G.O. (NOTE: The Certificate of Attendance is sent by email)

100 Great Business Ideas - Part 1

100 Great Business Ideas – Module 1
100 Great Business Ideas – Part 1
21 questions